Washing Up Brushes

Scrubbing up well doesn't have to leave a mark on the environment

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Washing a plate on top of a sink using a wooden brush
Lots of materials on a table

Why Swap

  • Many standard 'mainstream' washing up brushes and scourers are made from unsustainable synthetic materials like plastics
  • Single use plastic kitchen brushes are difficult to recycle as they are usually made from different types of plastic (the handle and the brush bristles). This means they often end up in landfill, where they'll stay for hundreds of years before breaking down properly
  • Plastics are not easily biodegradable, creating microplastics as they do break down, and to manufacture plastics means more demand for fossil-fuels.

The Alternatives

From natural materials to replaceable brush heads, switching to one of our more eco-friendly washing up brushes can help reduce your impact while keeping your dishes squeaky clean.

Brushes With Reusable Heads

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! It seems daft to throw away a washing up brush handle if it's absolutely fine. Switching to a washing up brush with a head that can be swapped out leads to a lot less waste and can also save you money. New heads can easily be found in many high street shops and supermarkets.


Industrially Compostable


Natural Washing Up Brush

A washing up brush made from natural materials will break down much quicker than plastic when disposed of properly. Get rid of plastic in your kitchen and get a brush that looks much more stylish and natural!


Industrially Compostable
