
With our eco-friendly mascara swaps, all the research is done for you – you don't need to bat an eyelash

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Why Swap

  • Mascara can often use animal-derived products like beeswax and sericin (from silk worms) which are not vegan
  • There are unfortunately still many beauty brands that test of animals and many that use animal-derived ingredients, making them unsuitable for vegans
  • Every year the beauty industry creates more than 142 billion units of packaging a year, the vast majority of which is plastic

The Alternatives

Cutting down on plastic and unnecessary waste like mascara wands is a great way of making your makeup routine greener. And if you're concerned about animal welfare, look for our vegan and cruelty-free accreditations which require brands to have strict certifications from independent bodies like Vegan Society and Cruelty-Free International.

Palm Oil-Free Mascara

Ingredient lists for mascara can include a huge variety of synthetic ingredients, creating complex supply chains and making it harder to verify how sustainably materials have been sourced. Palm oil, a crop which is widely linked to deforestation and environmental damage, appears in several mainstream mascara products.

Palm Oil-free



Vegan Mascara

There are plenty of vegan and cruelty-free mascaras now on the market, allowing you to unleash your lashes while protecting the wellbeing of animals.

Palm Oil-free



Low Waste Mascara

Makeup packaging can be difficult to deal with and recycle after use, especially if it's not totally used up. Start by looking for plastic-free and low waste options, but if that's not possible look for recyclable packaging and schemes that allow you to return packaging to a brand for processing after use. Using a 'mascara cake' with a reusable mascara wand can help reduce waste and plastic packaging.

Palm Oil-free

